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Have you Ever ?

By 1:56 AM

Have you ever experience the kind of pain where you just wish you would disappear from the world and hoping not to come back again ? Feeling sad and lonely. Devastated and isolated. Drown by sorrow and the only thing that can cheer you up is food. As for me,its the pain of unrequited love. 

Love is like a melody. It swifts you just like the wind swifts your hair. If your love does not succeed, all you can see is pitch black. You felt like no one else will love you. The pain strikes your heart just like an arrow. You think that you would never smile again even thou your best friend cheer you up. Even if you want to smile, you can't. You feel like you want to cry but you have to hold back your tear to prove that you're strong enough to settle your own feelings and give up. Its like pain control your emotion and life. You don't feel like doing anything. You just want to lock yourself up in your room and let the tear flow.

In this kind of condition, I've experienced it before. Several times actually. I tried my best to smile in front of my family when the truth is, I was rejected. At midnight, I can't stop crying and ended up having bags underneath my eyes. I tried so hard not to cry and be hyper. I tried to act normal. At the end, I felt so lonely and thinking what should I do to cheer myself up. There is nothing I can do but to move on. I consult to my best friend. I don't want to suffer alone. They understand me and told me everything is going to be fine. I felt as if I was loved. I wish I told them earlier so I won't suffer this by myself.

Friends are very important in this kind of condition. You don't have to hold back and keep things by yourself. If you tell your best friend everything, you feel relieved. When your feelings are unrequited, don't be scared to cry but, make sure that you have someones shoulder to cry on. Tell them everything. You will feel much better. Its true you can't help but to fall in love with someone. Thats just life.

I don't really know why I blogged this. I was inspired by the picture above. Haha. Till then

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